The Old Strathcona Performing Arts Centre (OSPAC) is a dynamic performance and event venue located in the heart of Old Strathcona. Designed to meet the needs of band and music programs, OSPAC is the perfect location for concerts, workshops and rehearsals. This versatile facility can also be completely reconfigured for banquets, artisan markets, and a wide range of arts and community events. Managed by the Old Strathcona Performing Arts Centre Society, OSPAC is available for rental by groups and individuals.
- Maximum building occupancy – 300
- Seating capacity, Studio A (festival seating) – up to 250
- Seating capacity, Studio A (banquet style) – 160
- Fully barrier free and accessible
- Separate, customizable temperature control for Studio A (including lobby) and Studio B
- Barrier free and accessible washroom facilities

Studio A Features:
- Net audience seating area of 2108 square feet
- Net stage area of 1380 square feet
- Net crossover space of 1097 square feet
- Fully equipped with specialty lighting and public address system
- Acoustically controlled auditorium
- Fully flexible for banquet or audience seating
- Audience Area is carpeted throughout

Studio A Stage Features:
- Maple hardwood, single level, multi-purpose
- 16 inches above audience level
- Downstage performing width 40 feet clear
- Up stage width – 20 feet
- Clear depth – 36.5 feet

Studio B Features:
- Net seating/performance area is 1473 square feet
- Marmoleum flooring
- Stacking chairs
- Fully flexible for banquet or audience seating
STUDIO C (Green Room)

Studio C Features:
- Net seating area is 452 square feet
- Equipped with comfortable seating and Yamaha upright piano
- Carpeted throughout
- Double doors for soundproofing

Lounge Area Features:
- Full sized kitchen – 798 square feet
- Built in bar area
- Tile and Marmoleum flooring
- Pedestal Bar Tables and stools
- Comfortable seating

Equipment Included with Rental:
- 160 Black Wenger “Student Model” performance chairs
- Approximately 220 folding chairs
- Approximately 100 Music Stands
- Canadell multi-level band risers 4′ x 8′ sections
- Canadell extra deep choral risers – 5 sections suitable for up to 60 people
- Upright piano
- Two Door Commercial Refrigerator
- Mayfield “Gemini” Double Oven Range
- Microwave
Equipment Available to rent for an additional fee:
- Yamaha C2 Grand Piano
- Large percussion instruments (list available on request)
Looking for the Cosmopolitan Music Society? You can find them here.